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Parent Resources

Two of the biggest concerns parents/guardians have when they send their sons and daughters to college are whether they will be safe, 以及他们能否在学业上取得好成绩. 这两种担忧都是合理的, 两者都与酒精和其他药物密切相关, 无论是由学生使用还是由他们的同学使用.

即使是在成年早期的最后阶段, parents continue to exhibit influence on the choices their children make as far as friends, which in turn influences their son’s and daughter’s drinking (and other risky choices) in college. Perhaps the most important thing parents can do to help ensure their children make healthy, informed decisions while in college is to clearly communicate their positive expectations. Parents should play an active role with their college-age children by talking to them about their academic and social lives. Phone calls, 明信片和电子邮件是保持粘性的简单方法, especially during those critical first few days and weeks college life when students are most vulnerable and are at greatest risk of making high-risk decisions. 研究表明,父母参与得越多, 他们的孩子就越有可能做出更安全的选择.

Talking points for parents:

The following talking points may be helpful to get the conversation going, 并转载供参考.

对学业成绩设定明确和现实的期望. Studies conducted nationally have demonstrated that partying may contribute as much to a student’s decline in grades as the difficulty of his or her academic work. 如果学生知道他们的父母期望良好的学业成绩, they are likely to be more devoted to their studies and have less time to get in trouble with alcohol.  Also, Brescia University offers FREE academic tutoring in most subjects for all students. Have student contact the 乌尔苏拉教学中心 & Learning for information

Stress to students that alcohol is toxic and excessive consumption can fatally poison. This is not a scare tactic. 事实是每年都有学生死于酒精中毒. Discourage dangerous drinking through participation in drinking games, hazing, or in any other way. Parents should ask their students to also have the courage to intervene when they see someone putting their life at risk through participation in dangerous drinking.

Tell students to intervene when classmates are in trouble with alcohol or other drugs. Nothing is more tragic than an unconscious student being left to die while others either fail to recognize that the student is in jeopardy or fail to call for help due to fear of getting the student in trouble. 注:布雷西亚大学有“Medical Amnesty Policy” written in the student handbook which states:  “Students seeking help for inebriation, overdose or potential addiction shall be treated in complete confidence and are not subject to disciplinary proceedings, provided the sole reason the University discovers this arose from his/her seeking medical attention or other professional assistance. Additionally, a student seeking similar assistance for a fellow student will be exempt from disciplinary action in consideration of his/her efforts to assist another in need of help.”

Tell students to stand up for their right to a safe academic environment. Students who do not drink or use drugs can be affected by the behavior of those who do, ranging from interrupted study time to assault or unwanted sexual advances. Students can confront these problems directly by discussing them with the offender. If that fails, they should notify the housing director or other residence hall staff.

了解校园里的酒精场景,并与学生谈论它. Students grossly exaggerate the use of alcohol and other drugs by their peers. A past survey found that Brescia University students believed 94 percent of their peers drink alcohol at least once a week, when 实际比率不到50%. Students are highly influenced by peers and tend to drink up to what they perceive to be the norm. 正视对酒精使用的误解至关重要.

不要讲你大学时代的事迹. Entertaining students with stories of drinking back in “the good old days” normalizes what, even then, was abnormal behavior. It also appears to give parental approval to dangerous alcohol consumption.

鼓励你的学生自愿参加社区工作. 除了安排空闲时间, volunteerism provides students with opportunities to develop job-related skills and to gain valuable experience. Helping others also gives students a broader outlook and a healthier perspective on the opportunities they enjoy. Volunteer work on campus helps students further connect with their school, 增加留在大学的可能性.

Make it clear–underage alcohol consumption and alcohol/drug-impaired driving are against the law. Parents should make it clear that they do not condone breaking the law. Parents of college students should openly and clearly express disapproval of underage drinking and dangerous alcohol consumption. And, if parents themselves drink, they should present a positive role model in the responsible use of alcohol.

Adapted from College Parents of America, 700 13th Street, N.W., Suite 950, Washington, D.C., 20005.


College students commonly report feelings of depression and other emotional issues during their collegiate career. Sometimes these challenges can make it difficult for students to keep up with the demands of college life, 有时这种影响甚至更具破坏性. In fact, suicide is the second leading cause of death among college students. 几乎所有的心理健康问题都可以通过适当的治疗得到改善. When we decrease the stigma around mental health and encourage students to seek help if they need it, 我们正在改变和拯救生命. 使用下面的资源了解更多信息.